
1. All purpose flour (1cup)

2. Yeast (1tsp)

3. Sugar (2-3tsp)

4. Lukewarm water (¼ cup)

5. Baking powder/soda (½ tsp)

6. Veg.oil or butter (4tsp).

PROCEDURES> (*Step 1*)Get a small bowl or cup; pour some little amount of lukewarm water, add the yeast and stir. 

Cover and set aside for few minutes.

(*Step 2*) Get another big bowl; add the flour, salt, sugar, baking powder and soda and some veg.oil or butter.

Add the yeast mixture from *Step1* stir and combine all together to form dough

Cover and set aside to rise/double in size for 30-45mins  

(*Step 3*) After that, on a smooth and floured surface, knead dough for few minutes, divide into two equal sizes. 

Roll out each dough, dust some flour on it and roll it flat (tiny rolled). 

(*Step 4*) Use your cookie cutter to cut out your desired shape/design or use a kitchen knife to cut out triangle/square shapes. 

After cutting out the shapes, brush with veg. oil and water

(Mix oil and water in a cup)

Sprinkle some salt on the dough after brushing. 

Gently arrange them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.

Bake for 10-15mins (in a preheated oven) 

*NB* Can be stored in a air tight container for 3weeks.

Enjoy with friends and family
