
1. Coconut fruits (1)

2. Rice (1cup)

3. Fresh or chilli pepper (grinded)

4. Crayfish (1cup, grinded)

5. Green beans

6. Fish (smoke/ice/dry)

6. Beef (optional)

7. Onions (chopped)

8. Carrots (chopped)

9. Curry and thyme (1tsp)

10. Season cube (1)

11. Salt to taste.


(*Step1*) Parboiled the rice;

Don’t over cook the rice because we still need to cook it with some ingredients and coconut milk.

Wash and set aside. 

(*Step2*) Break the coconut and remove it from the shell;

Grate into tiny particles.

Use warm or cold water to mix it thoroughly until all the milk comes out from the chaff;

(*Step3*) Sieve with tiny holes to sieve the milk out into a different bowl;

**Don’t throw away the chaff yet because you may need it if the rice isn’t soft while cooking.

Add the coconut water to the milk you have filtered.

**Steam the fish/beef (set aside)

(*Step4*) On medium low heat;

Get a clean pot; Add the coconut milk ( from *Step3*), and some meat stock.

Do not allow the water to be too much since the rice has already been parboiled (small quantity)

(*Step5*) Add some crayfish, pepper, magi (seasoning) and onions.

Add the parboiled rice into the pot (once the water is boiled)

(*Step6*) Add the fish/beef;  stir and combined (with a spatula).

Cover with lid.

Ensure to check it from time to time to know if the water is dried up, or if the rice isn’t soft enough

When the water is almost dried up;

(*Step7*) Add the veggies (carrots and green beans), cover for some minutes to cook through.

Once the rice is well cooked;

Stir and incorporate all the ingredients together, and allow to cook for some minutes.

Turn off the heat.

Bring it down; Serve with avocado pear and cold juice (optional).

Enjoy with friends and family!.
