
1. All purpose flour/wheat flour (¼ cup)

2. Eggs (3 or as required)

3. Warm water (½ cup)

4. Onions, scotch bonnet pepper (chopped)

5. Ginger & garlic (crushed;optional)

6. Olive. Oil (1tsp)

7. Veg.oil (for frying)

8. Salt (1/2 tsp)


(*Step1*) Get a clean bowl;  

Combined flour; olive oil and warm water(bit by bit).

Mix until dough becomes whole.

Cover and let it rest for 10mins.

(*Step2*) Divide the dough into equal parts (4, 6, 8 or 10).

Roll out each piece in a round/circle shape (ensure the dough is flat/thin).

Brush/grease your frying pan with veg.oil;

Place the dough on it (ensure the oil is hot)

Allow to cook through for 3-5mins before flipping; on medium low heat.

(Do the same for the rest dough)

Keep in a bowl; covered with napkin. Set aside.

(*Step3*) Get another bowl;

Crack the eggs, add the onions, ginger&garlic (optional) bonnet pepper and a pinch of salt.

Whisk together.

*NB* At this point, fry only the amount of egg that will fits the size of the chapati bread.

On medium low heat; grease your frying pan with oil

(*Step4*) Add some eggs (with a measure spoon to get the same result for all)

Flip the egg; so each side can fry

Place the chapatti bread (from *Step2*) on the egg

Press the chapatti bread and egg tightly (with your spoon while still frying) so they can stick together.

Flip over and allow for 30 - 45 secs  before taking it out. 

*NB* Can also be served with vegetable sauce; meat shreds, chicken peas sauce etc.

Enjoy with friends and family!.
