
1. Plantain (4, or as required)

2. Egg (4)

3. Onions (chopped)

4. Curry, thyme and dry pepper

5. Bell pepper (red and yellow; chopped)

6. Carrots (diced)

7. Season cube

8. Green beans

9. Veg. oil.


(*Step 1*) Peel the plantain and cut them into large chunks.

Put the plantain in a clean pot and add some water to cook (medium low heat)

Then, while that is cooking; get a bowl and beat the eggs

Add the curry, thyme, season cube , dry pepper.

(*Step 2*) Place another frying pan on a medium low heat

Add some veg. oil(2tsp), onions, garlic, ginger, green beans, carrots, bell peppers. Stir fry for some minutes.

Once the vegetables are half cooked

Add your egg mixtures (from *step1*) and scramble.

Bring down the scrambled eggs and set aside.

(*Step 3*) Our plantain should be ready now!

Put the plantain (after boiling) in a clean bowl

Use your folk (cutlery) to mash until you get a smooth result.

Rub your palm with some veg. oil and scoop some plantain into your palm; form a ball.

After that, press with your hand to flatten it or place on a parchment paper.

After creating a round shape, add your scrambled egg (as the filling) in the middle, then cover up

Use your folk to create the pie shape (meat pie signature). 

Fry on medium low heat (do not overcrowd the pan) keep frying until you get your desire result or golden brown.

Enjoy with friends and family!.
