
1. Flour (1cup)

2. Yeast (1tsp)

3. Milk powder (4tsp)

4. Lukewarm water (½ cup)

5. Sugar (2tsp)

6. Melted butter (2tsp)

7. Veg.oil and salt (¼ tsp)


(*Step1*) Get a clean bowl;

Add the flour, yeast, milk powder, sugar and salt; Stir and combined together.

Add the lukewarm water (bit by bit); mix with your hand

Add some melted butter and knead for 5-10mins; make a soft fine dough.

(*Step2*) Get a clean bowl, put in the dough, sprinkle or grease veg.oil around the bowl.

Cover and let it rest for some minutes (45-50mins) in a warm place to rise  (double in size)

(*Step3*) After that; Knead for some minutes.

Use your hand to cut out small size(s) of dough (O O O O O O O O O O O O O O)

Flatten/roll out; on a smooth surface, (not to thick/thin)

After flatten the dough; fold it upward like there’s a filing inside to form  a ball shape

Fry on medium low heat until turn golden brown.

Enjoy with friends and family!.
