
1. Groundnuts (2cups)

2. Rice flour/All purpose flour (130gm)

3. Eggs (2)

4. Condensed milk (10ml)

5. Coconut milk (10ml)

6. Vanilla flavor (2tsps)

7. Sugar (1cup)

8. Veg.oil and salt.


(*Step 1*)Set your frying pan on a medium low heat; add your groundnuts πŸ₯œπŸ₯œπŸ₯œ;

Add some salt. Stir and combine together until the groundnuts are cooked and fragrant. 

Clean the groundnuts shell after well cooked.

Set aside in a clean bowl.

(*Step 2*) Sieve the flour into another clean bowl; set aside

Get another clean bowl; whisk the eggs, add some sugar, condensed milk and coconut milk. 

Mix thoroughly until the sugar is well dissolved. 

Add some vanilla flavor, mix and combined together.

(*Step 3*) Add the flour (from *step2*) bit by bit

Mix together to get a smooth result until dough is formed; 

Not to dry, and not to wet.

Knead the dough with your hand (until the dough is soft and not sticky).

(Step 4*) Get a clean table or work board/ smooth surface to spread your dough. 

Cut out some little amount of dough; roll it out like a log of wood (very tiny)

After rolling out, divide bit by bit (an inch size) and take out each dough size; 

flatten with your finger

Put the groundnut in-between and cover up the dough with your finger to form a small ball size

(Do the same for the rest dough)

Fry on medium low heat; once the peanut dough is inside the hot oil;

Don’t stir or turn over, until it turns brown and strong.
