
1. Flour (1cup)

2. Liquid milk (warm, ½ cup)

3. Sugar (4tsp)

4. Eggs (2)πŸ₯šπŸ₯š

5. Sausage (as you required)

6. Melted butter (2tsp)

7. Yeast (1tsp)

8. Salt (1tsp).


(*Step 1*) Get a clean bowl; add the warm milk, yeast, and 1tsp of sugar.

Stir together, cover with a napkin and set aside.

(*Step 2*) Get another bowl; add the flour, melted butter, 2tsp of sugar and salt (pinch)

Stir and combined together

(*Step 3*) Add the warm milk mixture from *step 1*(bit by bit) and form dough.

Knead the dough for few minutes, seal up in a bowl and allow rising for 30_45mins.

(*Step 4*) Cut out the dough into equal sizes (O O O O O) as required

And, roll each of the dough with your palm, into a log (/ / / / / / / / / /)

(*Step 5*) Wrap around the sausage (repeat the same process for rest dough and sausage).

Arrange them all on a baking tray (lining with parchment) and allow rising for 10mins.

Egg wash the dough with a pastry brush

Bake in a preheated oven for 15mins or until it turns golden brown.

Enjoy with friends and family.
