
1. Oha leaves (cut using a knife or shredding with your fingers)

2. Uziza leaves (chopped) 

3. Beef/ assorted meat /goat meat/Ponmo or your preferred protein

4. Stock fish/Smoked fish

5. Periwinkle (Optional)

6. Ground crayfish

7. Palm oil

8. Onions

9. Cocoyam or Achi ( Soup Thickeners)

1O. Seasoning & Salt

11. Water/Stock


(*Step 1*) On medium low heat; Put your meat, pomo and stock fish inside the pot.

Add seasoning and onions, let simmer for 10 - 15 mins. 

Add some water, cover and let cook till meat is tender.

(Step 2*) You can either add cocoyam while cooking the meat so it can cook together to save time or cook the cocoyam separately.

When it is properly cooked, add 2 cups of water then add palm oil, allow to cook for about ten minutes. 

(Remove cocoyam and pound in a mortar or blend using a blender or a food processor)

(Step 3*) Add ground crayfish, ground pepper, salt and let cook for 5-10mins.

Add the blended/ pounded cocoyam paste or achi

(before you add achi to your soup, make sure you dissolve it in a little water, if not your soup will cake up).

Let the soup cook for some mins. 

(*Step 4*) Add your Oziza first (Oziza leaves are stronger than Oha leaves), then add your Oha leaves.

Let it cook for one minute, then turn off the heat.

Your delicious Oha soup is ready.

Serve with your preferred swallow
